Mission Statement
Our mission is to build social, emotional, academic and free expression of individuals with communication difficulties using a comprehensive approach designed to secure best possible outcomes that use measurable goals

Company Social Responsibility

We as an organization understand that there are various fundamental elements of social responsibility which reflect the expectations of society at a particular time and are therefore liable to change.

  • We believe that transparency and open communication are crucial to successful treatment.
  • We are transparent in our decisions and activities that impact our clients.
  • We as an organization endeavor to disclose in a clear, accurate and complete manner and to a reasonable and sufficient manner the policies, decisions and activities for which it is responsible, including the known and likely impacts.
  • We provide as much information and knowledge which is readily available, directly accessible to our clients.

Ethical Behaviour
  • Our organization’s behaviour is governed on the basis upon which ethics of honesty, equity and integrity is maintained.
  • We are concerned for our clients and provide our commitment to address our client’s interests.

Respect for Clients’ Interests
  • We as an organization respect , consider and respond to the interests of our clients.
  • We are conscious of and respect the interests of our Clients and respond to expressions of concerns.
  • We as an organization refrain from publishing and/or publicizing our client’s proprietary information to be made public, nor does we involve in providing information that is legally protected or that would breach legal, commercial, security or personal privacy obligations.

  • We are accountable to manage our Clients learning records, deliverable goals and deliverable outcomes.

Employment Practices
  • We as an organization believe that wages and other compensations are paid duly for work performed.
  • We as an organization strongly believe in our employees’ capabilities and encourage them on pursuing their education on their own accord.
  • We as an organization encourage flexi-work schedules to cater to working mothers.

  • Clients include and not withstanding Children, Parents or Grandparents, Individual Adults, Care Givers, Foster parents, Guardians, Protection Agencies.
Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practices Code of Conduct & Ethics